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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 86

*Includes pictures*Includes excerpts of medieval accounts*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsIn the time period between the fall of Rome and the spread of the Renaissance across the European continent, many of today’s European nations were formed, the Catholic Church rose to great prominence, some of history’s most famous wars occurred, and a social class system was instituted that lasted over 1,000 years. A lot of activity took place during a period frequently labeled derogatively as the “Dark Ages,” and while that period of time is mostly referred to as the “Middle Ages” instead of the Dark Ages today, it has still retained the stigma of being a sort of lost period of time in which Western civilization made no worthwhile progress after the advances of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome.In reality, this oversimplification of the Middle ...
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5 stars from 7 ratings