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Charles River Editors
Publisher: Charles River Editors
Pages: 90

*Includes pictures*Includes a bibliography for further reading*Includes a table of contentsWorld War I, also known in its time as the Great War or the War to End all Wars, was an unprecedented conflict in terms of its sheer scale. Fought by men who hailed from all corners of the globe, it saw millions of soldiers do battle in brutal assaults of attrition which dragged on for months with little to no respite. Tens of millions of artillery shells and untold hundreds of millions of rifle and machine gun bullets were fired in a conflict that demonstrated man’s capacity to kill each other on a heretofore unprecedented scale, and as always, such a war brought about technological innovation at a rate that made the boom of the Industrial Revolution seem stagnant.Since the Industrial Revolution, arms and materiel output had increased by orders of magnitude, as had the quality and uniformity of ...
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4.5 stars from 40 ratings