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Shawn Inmon
Publisher: Pertime Publishing
Pages: 88

Warning: This is an unabashedly nostalgic and old-fashioned Christmas story. Mushu is a small dog, apparently helpless. She is anything but. She is resourceful, clever, and has the memory of a thousand previous lives to help her know what to do. There is a fractured family in dire need of help in Middle Falls, Oregon and Mushu is on her way to help. A Mutt in Time is a 10,000 word short story. Two other stories are included in this mini-collection:The Christmas Visitor. A man spends all year planning the good deeds he will do on Christmas day. It is the only day each year he gets to spend with his son Billy and he wants to make the most of it. One Night with You. An angel from Rock 'n Roll Heaven and Elvis Presley walk into a rundown bar in Middle Falls, Oregon. That sounds like the setup for a punchline, but this story is no joke. A sweet-natured What If story about the King of Rock 'n ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 473 ratings