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D.K. Savage
Publisher: Savage Writes Publishing
Pages: 360

A struggling mage. A disgraced soldier. A priestess with a sordid past. Can they band together to stop an omnipotent warlord?Elyssa, at twenty years of age, is old for a Novice. Outpaced by her child peers and bullied by everyone else, she questions why she ever joined the Mage Guild. She hides in her books, reveling in tales of adventure from far off lands.She never imagined an adventure would arrive on her doorstep.When a Republic Guard Captain named Yoseph seeks her help, spouting an insane tale about a rogue battlemage with a magic sword that can crush armies—at least it’s something new. What harm could come from humoring him?A lot, it turns out.But Elyssa possesses the power to stop Alteer from being conquered, if only she can overcome her fear—and survive Yoseph’s quest to avenge the murder of his men. None of her books have prepared her for the continent’s horrors, or the ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 66 ratings