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D.K. Savage
Publisher: Savage Writes Publishing
Pages: 360

A broken sorceress, a disgraced soldier, a crippled sellsword and a priestess with a sordid past have the chance to protect humanity—or shepherd its demise.Alteer is a world broken by magical calamity. The few million humans, elves, and dwarves not wiped out by the continent’s destruction have clawed their way out of a dark age to rebuild civilization.And the threat of extinction still looms.Yoseph, a Captain in Ambria’s Guard, encounters a rogue battlemage with strength that defies belief. In an instant, his reputation is erased. Deserted by his fellow soldiers, his warnings go unheard.Elyssa is a struggling young mage serving the Guild. Too old to fit in with her peers, and too weak to match the budding casters her own age, she’s ostracized and forgotten. When Yoseph asks for her help, she’s dragged into a hunt for answers—and over her head. As someone who reads about adventures, she ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 31 ratings