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Katherine Kim
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 208

All Theo wants is some peace and quiet. What he gets is a whole new sort of problemRecovering from an ugly break-up, a fresh start in the house Theo’s great-uncle left him seemed the perfect solution. Much to the dismay of his science-minded mother, he happily settles into the home filled with items collected by an eccentric old man.Theo thought he would find peace to lick his wounds. While he did make some great friends in this new town, it didn’t take long before his peace evaporates. The president of the HOA starts hammering on his door, his great-uncle's things get increasingly strange, and a vandal starts hitting places very close to home.Things take a dangerous turn when someone begins targeting Theo and he hears whispers that magic is not only real but swirling all around him. Now, he’s faced with a dark mystery that defies imagination, and praying he can make it out alive.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 69 ratings