Will C.
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 81
This cookbook is very special. It gives you a brand-new perspective on cakes. Cakes are known to be unhealthy and full of sugar. Now, of course, you do need a little sugar when you bake a cake because if not, it wouldn't be a dessert. However, adding an ingredient such as yogurt makes it much healthier and gives that moisture every cake should have. We call them yogurt cakes.The key, as always, is to make your cake from scratch. Don't trust the processed cakes, you can buy for almost nothing in the grocery stores or department stores. When you are not sure what your cake contains, then that's a bad sign. If the list of ingredients is endless and there's a lot of preservatives or high fructose used in the making of the cake, then you know for sure you shouldn't buy it.So, our goal in this cookbook is to present you with as many diverse recipes as you will let us. Are you hungry yet for ...