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Elizabeth Keckley
Publisher: Dreamscape Media
Pages: 63

Born in Virginia in 1818, Elizabeth Keckley grew up enslaved until she was able to purchase her and her son's freedom with money made from working as a seamstress. As she continued to perfect her craft, her styles caught the attention of the elite in Washington D.C. It wasn't until the day of Abraham Lincoln's inauguration that she crossed paths with Mary Todd Lincoln, who took Elizabeth on as her personal confidante and seamstress. Behind the Scenes not only offers an intimate look into the enslaved and free life of Elizabeth Keckley but also the lives of Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln. At the time of publication, the lives of presidents and their families were private and not known to the public—this book gave everyone an idea of what it was like inside the White House.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,827 ratings