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Matthew Goods
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 98

Falling on February 14, the same day as Valentine's Day, National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day is the perfect excuse to tuck-into tempting truffles and sweet cocoa candy.This year though, instead of opting for store-bought confectionery, why not treat you and your family and friends to homemade cream-filled chocolates?Here, you can take your pick from milk, dark and white chocolate, coated in nuts, sparkling sugar, and more. Choose from creamy fillings and soft centers, including crème de menthe, coffee, Greek yogurt, jasmine tea and nearly every fruit imaginable. Silky smooth cream-filled chocolates are perfect for holidays, dinner parties, edible gifts or a naughty nibble. These 40 recipes are the perfect addition to your culinary collection.Would you like to discover the secret to making decadent and luxurious cream-filled candy for National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day on February 14? ...
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3.5 stars from 2 ratings