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Will C.
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 114

Are you bored with the usual lunch or dinner dishes or looking for something delicious and healthy, as well as easy to prepare?Here’s an idea you shouldn’t say no to: Wraps!A wrap is made with a tortilla (or any soft flatbread) rolled around filling ingredients, including meat, vegetables, and cheese.You can make tasty wraps without having to spend too much time inside the kitchen.In fact, you can make these ahead of time. Wraps can be refrigerated overnight or frozen for months. And when it’s time to serve the wraps, simply reheat them inside the oven.Because there are many variations you can try, it’s almost not possible to be bored with wraps. You can use all kinds of ingredients for the filling. And if you want, you can swap tortilla with other types of flatbreads like naan or pita, or even use lettuce leaves!Check out this book, which gives you not just a dozen or two, but 50 ...
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