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Emory Grey
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 368

Donnie.A two-week family vacation in the islands that coincides with my older brother’s wedding sounds like a dream, right? Wrong. Because, instead of visiting my family back home for a few days like I normally would during Thanksgiving and Christmas and being pressured to start dating again the whole time, now I’ll have to hear it for the next two weeks which is going to put a serious damper on this vacation. But when my best friend, Kasie, spontaneously pretends I’m her boyfriend during a night out to ward off some douchebag, I get an idea; if pretending we’re dating can ward off a pushy guy for the night, maybe it can also ward off a pushy family for the next two weeks.Kasie.Pretend to be my best friend’s girlfriend. At first, I’m apprehensive. But eventually, Donnie convinces me that it’ll be ok. We’re affectionate friends anyways, so grand gestures and being extra playful to ...
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4.5 stars from 6 ratings