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Lisa Buffaloe
Publisher: John 15:11 Publications
Pages: 191

May the eyes of your heart be enlightened to know... (Ephesians 1:18).As the eyes of the heart open, what truths will be revealed?Although Alyssa Nelson chose nursing for her profession, she hasn’t found a cure for her broken heart. Photographing nature in her off-hours takes her mind off her pain. However, the photos she captures in her camera’s memory card can’t replace the memory of her heartache and regrets.When Alyssa comes face-to-face with her past, she is thrown into police investigations, mystery, intrigue, and a touch of fun.The truth comes into focus as Alyssa’s heart opens to God’s healing, yet will she make the same mistakes she made before, or will she choose a new beginning?
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5 stars from 20 ratings