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Charlotte Virginia Walker
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 114

Have you ever wondered what Norse Paganism is?Does the idea of delving into complex beliefs and rituals intimidate you?If you answered yes to both those questions, this book is for you.Discover the truth about Norse Paganism, its tenets, communities, contributions, holidays, spirits, rituals, and everything in between.Written in an easy-to-understand format, “Norse Paganism: A Beginner's Guide to learn All about the Realms of Norse Paganism. Explore the Secrets of Norse Magic and Norse Shamanism in the World” aims to dispel rumors, answer questions, provide in-depth information, and open your mind to what Norse Paganism is, why it matters, why so many across the globe practice it, and what role it plays in ancient and modern society.It will answer questions like:• What is paganism?• What are the cycles that make up reality?• Who are the gods of Norse PaganismAnd so much more!This book ...
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5 stars from 6 ratings