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M.O. Kenyan
Publisher: (March 25, 2022)
Pages: 188

The desire of what could have been makes Raffa and Jo regret the decisions they made. Can they fix their mistakes before it’s too late? Son, Husband & FatherThe roles Raffaele has to play clash with each other and leaves him at a crossroad. He's not sure which road to take. He's afraid that the wrong choice would hurt his family.Yasmine finally has her mental health on track and earned the love of her son. She wants to move forward, but the purest evil in the form of her mother-in-law is out to end her life and her love.SonJo realizes that he has to let go of his past before Fatima can trust him with her heart once again. He is willing to fight for their love and right his past wrongs, will she give him a second chance?Fatima has been burned by love one too many times. She wasn’t sure she was brave enough to risk everything for something that would turn into a heartache. Jo’s reaction ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 72 ratings