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J.S. Martin
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 215

THE FLAME OF AMBITION IS DEVOURING. In the 1920s, tradition is challenged by the rise of change and Lily Beth Winters is dead set on making a name for herself. More than anything, she longs for the day she will take over her father’s business and be seen as his equal. But her dreams are overshadowed by fury when her father announces she is to move to Boston to find a suitable husband to take over the crumbling family business. But Lily has her own plans and constructs a murderous plot to ensure she inherits her father’s legacy instead of an underserving husband. Pulled from the world of glittering parties and grand titles, Lily’s focus is derailed when a chance meeting with two enigmatic gangsters leaves her wanting. But these gangsters are not without their own plots and secrets. Despite her growing nightmares, Lily cannot help but fall deeper down into the enthralling world of old ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 76 ratings