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Lilah Rivers
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 472

Diana Perry lives and works in Honoria, where nothing exciting ever happens. She and her best friend, who works with her in the Sew You Up Shop they co-own, immediately notice the apprentice blacksmith that arrives in town and makes them burn with curiosity about his past. They finally get their chance to find out more about the mysterious stranger when Charlie comes into the shop and orders some new clothes. For the first time, Diana feels she’d like to know more about the handsome young man, and not just out of curiosity. Will she have a chance at getting closer with the charming newcomer? Charlie Millner was looking for an escape when he reached Honoria, and being taken in by the blacksmith was a blessing he never expected. No one knows his past and he can now finally start over. But deep down he knows that he won’t be able to run away from the dangerous men who had held him captive ...
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5 stars from 1 rating