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Natasha Madison
ASIN: B09V7V8X27
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 269

From Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author Natasha Madison comes a brand new stand-alone friends to lovers sports romance. A spin-off from the Only One series ChaseEveryone expected me to play hockey. I was good at it, but I was better at being a doctor.So I hung up the skates and joined Doctors without BordersBut there is no place like home, so now I’m back.And instead of being on the ice, I’m behind the bench as the team physician.After years of playing cat and mouse, it’s time to admit it. She’s mine.Julia Working as a social worker was a dream come true.It wasn’t easy, and it has made me shut off my heart to love.No commitment. No strings. No promises.Until one fateful night changed everything.He was there for me like no other one.The biggest thing is I let him. Maybe he was just made for me!
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