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Zoe Moore
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 141

Everybody likes good food. The thing is, not everyone is willing to put in hours of effort into every meal. We’re not either! Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean we can’t indulge in almost-fine-dining experiences at home. With a sous vide, all your life’s problems are solved! Well, almost— at least those related to food. All you have to do is marinade if it’s required, place your ingredients in the bag, set a timer, and leave your food cooking in the water bath for as long as it takes. You don’t need to be standing by the stove or worrying about whether it will burn in the oven, it’s stress-free and quick! If you’re here, though, it’s probably because you’ve got a sous vide and are wondering what to do with it. Don’t be intimidated by it. Incorporating it into your everyday cooking is easier than it seems and we’re here to help you with that! Sous Vide-licious Home Cooking is a collection of ...
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