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Alonzo Simon
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 38

Davis Steele is intrigued when a mysterious, handsome man comes to the bookstore where he works, never buying a single book for two weeks straight. Davis encounters him after work when he stops by a packed McDonald’s to get himself a bite to eat before he heads home. The mysterious man offers Davis to sit with him. They hit it off immediately, having so many things in common. After they have passion-filled sex at Davis’ apartment later that night, Davis thinks that he has finally found the perfect guy for him. When Davis sees the man at the bookstore the next day, he is cold to Davis and acts like he doesn’t know him. Davis is heartbroken by how the man has treated him. But all is not what it seems to be. Davis will soon realize when he gets off from work later that night.
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 2 ratings