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Dawn Mallory
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 79

"I have a proposition for you."Penelope, a half Gypsy, half Anglo girl, had a hard life growing up in England. She was brought up in orphanages, and by a cruel foster mother. After she flees her childhood home, she meets handsome storybook prince, Dane Villiers. They spend a sensual night together, but he flees in the morning. A twist of fate brings them together. When Dane offers her an unusual proposition, she comes to a crossroads. Can she fight to make her fairytale dream of being a Duchess come true?The handsome rogue Duke of Stratford, Dane Villiers is in precarious financial circumstances. He approaches Penelope with a fortunetelling scheme to increase his income. He offers her entry into the finest London homes. His brother pressures him to make a respectable marriage. Can Dane follow his heart and claim his true love?If you're a fan of Cinderella stories, you'll love The Duke's ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 14 ratings