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J.E. Reed
Publisher: (December 6, 2022)
Pages: 374

From multi-award-winning author J.E. Reed comes a breathtaking new series full of love and survival.A queen in hiding. Two countries at war.When eighteen-year-old Arianna is stolen from her family and sold into slavery, she spends months disguised as a half-breed Fae struggling against the devastations of a decade-long war. But she never expected to find herself at the mercy of her country's greatest enemy.General Rion is ruthless and commanding. He relishes in his reputation as The Demon-a vile creature incapable of love or compassion. With a secret no one can know, Arianna strives to placate him while plotting her escape, but sometimes fate has other plans and rumors can't always be trusted.She'll have to make a choice. Kill the most feared male on the continent or stay and let a forbidden bond take root. But what will happen when he discovers her secret?Trigger Warnings: War ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 3,742 ratings