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E C Hutchcroft
ASIN: B09ZSW2791
Publisher: Fable Nook
Pages: 43

Chaos!Graham is just an ordinary teenage guy — not doing his school homework — until Great Aunt Bertha descends on the household. And is she strict! A woman with strong views and a secretive past, she has little tolerance for the lazy or the slapdash. Indeed it seems she has little tolerance for anything at all, including Graham’s seven year old sister, Jess, whom she upsets within minutes of arrival. It is at that point a plan is hatched: Great Aunt Bertha must leave. Whether by fair means or foul, she must go. But things are not all they seem. In a moment of reflection, Graham decides to hand in his homework — an act of redemption…which somehow goes wrong, leading him to detention — and his first meeting with Clare…A humorous story of family — their actions and unforeseen consequences, and of blossoming romance. Will Jess’ dolly recover from bellyache? Will Graham ever finish his ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 12 ratings