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Francesca Watt
Publisher: Little Unisaur Books
Pages: 35

Where in the world would you go if you could fly? The Great Wall of China? The Taj Mahal? What about the Pyramids of Giza?Arnold & Lou are hungry for adventure. If only they had wings like the Macaw birds, they could see all the wonders of the world... Join them as they gather and stick and loop and tie, flap and tumble and strive to fly! Can they overcome some flap-tastic flops as they try and try again to make their dreams come true?Snuggle up with your little animal lovers to share giggles and worldwide adventures as they learn not to get in a flap if their plans go astray… just try, try again and find a new way!The first in the Arnold & Lou series, All in a Flap is the perfect springboard to encourage imagination, creative thinking and a growth mindset.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 25 ratings