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Nate Haliv
ASIN: B0B44ZD189
Publisher: Nate Haliv
Pages: 361

Seeing the World Through a Black Woman’s Eyes takes an intimate look at what it means to be a black woman in Africa. Aisha's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She must come to terms with her gender, religion, and sexuality in a society that has strict rules for what it means to be a woman. This is a story of strength and resilience, and ultimately, of hope.This novel sheds light on the gender, religious, and sexual struggles that black women face every day. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking read, look no further than Seeing the World Through a Black Woman’s Eyes. This is a story of struggle and perseverance, of learning to accept oneself in a world that is constantly telling you that you are not good enough. But above all, it is a story of hope. And it is through Aisha's eyes that we see the world in all its beauty and its pain.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 3 ratings