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A.F. Presson
Publisher: Plantation House Publishing, LLC
Pages: 220

Following a violent and traumatic incident in the sea, a strong-willed woman wakes not knowing who she is or where she came from. Recalling only her near-death experience and the stranger that rescued her, she must focus on healing and remembering the life she once lived. Suffering brutal nightmares and horrific flashbacks, she clings to Alex, the wealthy businessman that rescued her from the water. Making the decision to move forward, she opens herself up to the idea of starting over on the island with Alex. While his protective and caring nature comforts her insecurities, her troubled heart is a different story. Are the horrible nightmares really memories trying to resurface? While memories start to re-emerge and their relationship is rocked, she tries to figure out how to reclaim her past and keep what she’s found with Alex. While “Blind Trust” focuses on the tale of a woman’s escape ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 45 ratings