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Jamie Chin
Publisher: Noteworthy Designs
Pages: 28

More than ever in our fast-paced world, our children need to take time to slow down and live in the moment. What if they took the time each day to take in the world around them? The soft fur of a kitten, the smell of fresh rain, the voice of a loved one - all of these things hold magic within them if you stop, breathe deep, and pay attention. Look for the Magic takes us on a journey of discovery as we take full notice of the objects in nature as well as the experiences around us in order to see the peace and beauty inside each and every one of us.Why is this important?You might want to ask.Because appreciating life,Is really our task.In a fast-paced and sometimes confusing world, today's youth need a way to tune into themselves which in turn helps them better understand social and emotional skills. Mindfulness is being aware of what is going on in the here and now. This includes the ...
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5 stars from 13 ratings