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Alexandria Clarke
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 821

After revealing a big secret, Calamity James is on the outs with the one person she can always rely on: her sister. As the Red River Founders Celebration approaches, descendants of the town’s original settlers are mysteriously targeted for murder, and Cal hunts down a ghost with a grudge.In an InstantA string of kidnappings involving young girls taken from bookstores and libraries thrusts a small town into panic.Mia, a single mother and detective, struggles to balance her homelife and work. Dedicated to protecting her family and her community, she hunts a predator, leading to the discovery of a secret bunker filled with children. Hailed as a hero for recovering the missing youngsters, Mia believes the case is closed. But then she receives a call about another missing child, and another, and another…
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 69 ratings