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Gracious Osuagwu
Publisher: Xander & Co Media
Pages: 174

Judi Series. The Truth About Tuesday is the winner of the 2022 suspense award. It has also been nominated as the African contemporary literature in 2022.Read the blurb and forward below.BlurbSometimes, the truth is better left untold. When Judi altered this law and went on to seek a dark hidden secret, what she found instead was her life in turmoil of danger and now she must be brave and stand against those who will go to any length to have her mouth shut... even kill her.Will she be able to defeat all odds and expose such a daunting secret or will she be alive long enough to tell the tale?An eye opener to suspense crafted by a contemporary Nigerian writer.FOREWORD"The Truth About Tuesday" is the writer's first published novel amongst others. It is the explorative journey into the world of intrigue, of one woman's survival instincts in the face of danger, undaunted by the perniciousness ...
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5 stars from 1 rating