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Alicia T. White
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 67

When it comes to Asian cuisine, two distinct qualities are praised and appreciated: it is flavorful and colorful.When we talk about the flavor-ness of Asian cuisine, we're talking about delicacies whose taste not only satisfies the palate but also travels to the senses!Color is another characteristic associated with Asian cuisine.Speaking of delicacies with colors that make your eyes pop and make you want to eat everything on your plate in one swallow!Spice is the key ingredient that contributes to the flavor and color of Asian cuisine.Asian spices enhance the flavor of Asian dishes.When it comes to spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, star anise, and chili, you can never go wrong using them individually or in rubs and blends!Do you want to treat yourself to meals that remind you of Asian cuisine?Then this recipe book is just what you need!And now that you've discovered this recipe ...
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4 stars from 2 ratings