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Melody Lynch
Publisher: Spicy Scorpio Publishing
Pages: 86

Yolanda is burned out.Struggling to make ends meet as a counselor.She fears she’s doing no real good for her patients.Oh, and she just caught her long-term boyfriend cheating... again.What she needs is some rest and relaxation. Instead, she gets pushed too far and ends up caught in the middle of a streetfight. It’s there that she meets Raheem.Tall.Dark. Handsome.with a palpable hint of danger.As sparks fly between them, Yolanda agrees to a date. The more time they spend together, the more he seems like the perfect man—honest, passionate, and totally smitten with her.But Raheem has a secret. One of fur and fangs that runs deep in his ancestry. Yet when someone begins hunting the local werewolf pack, Yolanda finds herself dragged into a world of supernatural beings and violence.Can she find a way to save Raheem from the vicious intentions of the hunter? Or will she be forced to choose ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 42 ratings