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Noah Wood
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 75

Salads can make us live longer and have better health. They are known to be rich in vitamins and antioxidants and are a superb source of natural fiber. Making a nutritious salad is relatively quick and there are thousands of ingredient combinations. You could have a different salad every day- the only limiting factor is your imagination!Salads are a great way to get more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet. Combine a variety of leaves, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, eggs, and dairy into your salad and you will have an amazing protein-rich salad that will fill you up and keep you satisfied for hours. Better still, high-protein salads will help you eat less unhealthy junk foods and ultimately help you lose weight.You can start your meal with a salad like I usually do, or you can replace a whole meal with a fresh salad.The salad recipes in this book have simple steps and ensure your ...
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4 stars from 2 ratings