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Olivia Noble
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 452

Enjoy this collection of steamy and sweet holiday romance! Visit Snowflake Creek, an adorable small town in Minnesota where holiday spirit and romance are always in fashion. A must-read if you love cozy winter vibes, and heroes hotter than a cup of hot cocoa! ♥Book 1: You Can't Ruin ChristmasDumped and devastated, my holidays were turning into a total trainwreck...Luckily, my handsome, hockey player roommate steps in with a plan. He's going to volunteer his services as my personal trainer, so I can get a revenge body and make my ex regret leaving me. But during our long, sweaty sessions at the gym, I find myself becoming more and more attracted to Sven.His muscles are enough to make any girl swoon. He is sweet and caring with a panty-melting smile.Did I mention he's my ex's brother?Ignoring that, Sven might manage to save my Christmas from being an utter disaster, after all.Book 2: All ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 225 ratings