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E. M. Forster
Publisher: Grapevine India (November 15, 2022)
Pages: 130

Discover Love, Identity, and Social Change in A Room with a View A Room with a View by E. M. Forster is a captivating exploration of personal growth, social conventions, and the transformative power of love. With its vivid settings and unforgettable characters, this timeless novel remains one of Forster’s most celebrated works.The Journey of Lucy Honeychurch Set against the backdrop of Edwardian England and the sunlit beauty of Italy, the novel follows Lucy Honeychurch, a young woman torn between societal expectations and her own desires. While traveling in Florence, she meets the unconventional George Emerson, who challenges her views on life and love. Upon returning to England, Lucy must decide whether to conform to tradition or embrace the freedom that George represents.Key Themes in A Room with a View:Love and Freedom: A poignant examination of romantic and personal liberation.Class ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 7,630 ratings