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Mel Braxton, Naomi Lucas
Publisher: (October 10, 2023)
Pages: 269

Once, I was feared by all who gazed upon me. For the past century I have served, defending my crops in solitude, baring my scythe as an omen.But when the crops aren’t seeded, I find myself standing over a field of dirt and weeds.It is her fault.The female who has inherited the farm. She might be the new queen of these lands, but in her wake, she brings only ruin.So, I will scare her away. I will claim these fields, and she will learn to fear me!Until one evening, she is attacked by the crows. She cowers behind me for protection, begging them to spare her life.Her terror and desperation stir me into action...Nobody, not even a god, is allowed to frighten what is MINE.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 1,698 ratings