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Octavia E. Butler
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (March 28, 2023)
Pages: 241

A powerful story of survival in unprecedented times, from the award-winning author of Parable of the Sower.In an alternate America marked by volatile class warfare, Blake Maslin is traveling with his teenage twin daughters when their car is ambushed. Their attackers appear sickly yet possess inhuman strength, and they transport Blake's family to an isolated compound. There, the three captives discover that the compound's residents have a highly contagious alien disease that has mutated their DNA to make them powerful, dangerous, and compelled to infect others. If Blake and his daughters do not escape, they will be infected with a virus that will either kill them outright or transform them into outcasts whose very existence is a threat to the world around them.In the following hours, Blake and his daughters each must make a vital choice: risk everything to escape and warn the rest of the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 919 ratings