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Tracy Sumner
Publisher: WOLF Publishing
Pages: 258

~ National Excellence in Romantic Fiction Award Finalist 2024 ~Step into a world of scandal, romance, and unexpected love! With witty banter, sizzling love scenes, and a twist on the classic marriage of convenience theme, Two Scandals and a Scot is a must-read for fans of the Duchess Society series by USA Today bestselling author Tracy Sumner!Scandal number one. A runaway bride.Scandal number two. The kiss.When Theodosia Astley’s shocking engagement ball sets society ablaze, she finds herself in need of a hero. Can she help it if her savior comes in the form of her intrepid former student, Dash Campbell, a captivating gambler with a heart of gold?The carriage was empty. And parked in her brother’s drive. She had no idea it was his.With a bookish wallflower’s assistance, Scottish ruffian Dash wrote a novel that made him famous. When he finds himself presented with the opportunity to pay ...
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4.5 stars from 1,828 ratings