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Diana Licalzi, Jose Tejero
Publisher: Blue Star Press
Pages: 269

Take control of type 2 diabetes with this innovative, easy-to-follow diabetic cookbook, which includes a 4-week meal plan and over 100 delicious, high-fiber, plant-based recipes.If you are prediabetic or have type 2 diabetes, this approach can help you regulate your glucose and achieve non-diabetic blood sugar within weeks.Developed by a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist, The Type 2 Diabetes Revolution uses a revolutionary, science-based program to provide:Daily meal plans for 4 weeks, designed to minimize your time in the kitchenSimple grocery shopping lists for every week of the meal plan and tips for meal prep100+ high-fiber, plant-based recipes that keep your blood sugar balancedAdvice on how to create a balanced diet that includes whole, plant-based foods and meat, if desiredTips for grocery shopping and how to read nutritional labelsGuidance on stocking your pantry ...
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5 stars from 150 ratings