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Sarah Everly
ASIN: B0C484L87G
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 286

Noa Keawe was only supposed to be a vacation flingFresh off a breakup, I took off to Barcelona to find myself…and ended up finding Noa.The hulking, tattooed man I met in a park turned out to be everything my ex wasn't: sweet, considerate, kind. And despite the vacation ending much too soon, he found a way to see me again.I might have found the one. But then, my ex turned up…I can't have my heart broken again.When my NFL contract ended, I expected a new one, one that solidified me as a franchise player for the Norwalk Breakers. But when that new contract never materialized, my girlfriend walked.Hoping to occupy myself during the off-season, my teammates arrange a trip to Europe. A non-stop party to help me unwind.Except, partying has never been my scene.That's when I met Lena Rynel, a woman completely unconcerned with who I am and how much money I make. Mostly because I don't tell ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 39 ratings