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Kristen Bailey
Publisher: Storm Publishing
Pages: 282

Five gold rings. Delivered to the wrong addresses. Five Christmas proposals and weddings ruined. Unless Eve can save the day…?As Christmas lights twinkle around London, twenty-eight-year-old Eve arrives home ready to celebrate her favourite holiday, only to find… her boyfriend in the shower with a pretty blonde.Heartbroken, Eve throws the gifts she’s selflessly bought and wrapped for HIS family out of the window, then heads to Caspars’ Jeweller’s, where she works, for some tea and sympathy. But there she discovers another drama unfolding; five rings have gone AWOL, and unless she can track them down and deliver them to their rightful owners five perfectly planned festive weddings and proposals will end in disaster.Eve’s colleague Joe – moonlighting as a naked butler at a Christmas party – races to assist on her wild goose chase across London, dressed as a sexy elf. Together they set off ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,369 ratings