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Sadie Kincaid
Publisher: Red House Press Ltd (July 16, 2024)
Pages: 396

A Standalone Billionaire, Marriage of Convenience Romance. You want to know the secret to everlasting happiness? Never fall in love.That was the wisdom my father imparted to us James boys after our mom died, and it’s a piece of advice that’s served me well.Until dear old Dad asks me for a favor over Sunday brunch. No big deal, right? I love making my old man happy. Except this “favor” is a lot more complicated than picking up his dry cleaning. Dad wants me to marry and provide a few heirs for the James empire, and he’s even done me the courtesy of handpicking my bride-to-be. Lucky me.But if I’m being honest, I’ve grown tired of the endless cycle of dating, the constant small talk, and the ever-shrinking pool of women I haven’t already invited for a sleepover.I’m a lawyer, so contracts are kind of my thing. And that’s all marriage really is—a contract negotiated between two parties. What ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 11,786 ratings