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Cynthia Gunderson
Publisher: (December 5, 2023)
Pages: 326

I need a place to crash. He needs a physical therapist...After breaking up with my boyfriend, who also happened to be my boss, I was jobless and homeless. Brett Bouchard had a room to rent, and while I normally wouldn’t move in with a guy I just met, I was desperate. And he was offering free rent if I would be his live-in physical therapist.It’s a perfect situation, with only one small hiccup.I can’t stop thinking about my new roommate.But I’m a professional. Brett is focused on recovery, and I can’t get tangled up with someone when I’m so close to getting my personal life back on track.I need to move back to Vancouver, and Brett needs to get back on the ice. It’s only two months. We’ve both got our hands full with our own problems, which means we should have no problem keeping them off each other.Right?One click and start reading now if you love:He's sleeping in the next room ✨ vibes ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 136 ratings