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Catherine Shanahan
Publisher: Balance
Pages: 356

The New York Times bestselling author of Deep Nutrition explains how eight common seed oils cause the cellular damage that underlies virtually all chronic disease, exposes the corruption that deceives doctors and consumers alike, and gives us a clear roadmap to recovery and rejuvenation.Did you know that consuming a large serving of french fries—cooked in vegetable oil—delivers the toxicity of smoking 24 cigarettes? Cornell-trained biochemist turned family physician Dr. Cate Shanahan introduces us to well-respected scientists who warn that vegetable oils are a public health disaster, wreaking havoc on our bodies’ cells by depleting antioxidants and promoting free radical toxicity. Their many effects include: Uncontrollable hunger, so we need drugs to maintain our weight Inflammatory fat buildup under our skin and within our internal organs and arteries Blood sugar swings that promote ...
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