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Liz Tomforde
Publisher: Golden Boy Publishing LLC (July 11, 2024)
Pages: 384

KennedyI’m the only woman on staff for the Windy City Warriors, and after years of putting up with a sexist lead doctor, I’m desperate to land my dream job with a new team next year. All I have to do is maintain my professional reputation for my final season in Chicago.But a Las Vegas run-in with the team’s shortstop threatens it all, leaving me with a fuzzy memory and a ring on my left hand.Now, not only am I legally bound to the most persistent man I’ve ever met, but thanks to Isaiah’s scheme to save my job, I have to pretend the whole thing was a planned elopement and not a drunken mistake.Isaiah Rhodes is reckless, impulsive, and frustratingly charming. He’s also my brand-new husband.They got the saying wrong. What happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas… sometimes it follows you right back home.IsaiahAs the shortstop for Chicago’s professional baseball team, I’ve had my fair ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 37,236 ratings