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Jacqueline New
Publisher: Vinci Books (October 26, 2023)
Pages: 264

In the heart of Edinburgh, a killer leaves a trail of secrets carved in blood.As the leader of the Serious Crime Unit, DCI ‘Mac’ McNeill is no stranger to the city's darkest secrets. But when a body marked with Celtic symbols is discovered in a run-down tower block, the case challenges even his seasoned instincts.With the victim's ties to the treacherous drug scene and a notorious crime lord complicating matters, Mac seeks the help of Dr. Clio Wray, an expert in ancient symbology.But when a second body emerges, an unsettling connection is made to Mac himself.The case spirals into uncharted territory.The gripping first instalment in the DCI McNeill crime thriller series._______________________Praise for the DCI Mc Neill series:5.0 out of 5 stars An Action-packed Thriller That Grabbed My Attention from the Start.5.0 out of 5 stars My goodness, what a ride. This book outstanding.5.0 out of ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,188 ratings