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Julia Jarrett
Publisher: (April 24, 2024)
Pages: 277

I have one rule: Never date a baseball player. But when I meet the sexiest single dad to ever play professional ball, that rule becomes impossible to obey.It’s not easy being a woman working in a male dominated field. Add in the fact that my uncle owns the baseball team I work for, and proving I belong here is a constant battle.Dating a player was never an option. Not if I wanted to keep a shred of dignity and respect.Then Ronan Sinclair sits down next to me in first class with his alluring blue eyes and hard-to-resist dimples. To say nothing of his kindness and charm, or his determination to convince me that a steamy vacation fling is what we both need.So, I give in to temptation, just this once. After all, he plays on the opposite side of the country, and he makes it clear he doesn’t want anything more than a few hot nights under the Hawaiian sun. We’ll leave this tropical paradise ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 903 ratings