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Jesse Leigh Murray
Publisher: Hellzapoppin Press
Pages: 279

A dead ex-boyfriend, the city detective trying to frame her, and a mystery from the past that’s been haunting a small town for a decade. She’s seen death, but the baker has never been in danger like this before…Maddie Dixon is just trying to get on with her life; she has her little bakery, and her friends, and she is content living in her quiet little town and leaving her crime solving days behind her. But when the body of Travis Lang, her ex-boyfriend, is found on the bakery’s doorstep, one of Maddie’s own knives in his heart, she finds herself once again tangled up in a mystery.Between tiptoeing around a grieving sister, a city detective trying to put her in a cell, and her crush using her to get information on a news story, Maddie has her hands full. Digging into her ex’s past, she delves into a horrifying scandal that was never resolved, and which has been haunting her little ...
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 49 ratings