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Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson
Publisher: Amistad
Pages: 264

The New York Times bestselling multitalented artist delivers an electrifying novel—The Accomplice--that combines the imaginative page-turning suspense of S. A. Cosby’s books with the high-tension thrills of the Netflix blockbuster series Money Heist.In The Accomplice, Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson and award-winning mystery writer Aaron Philip Clark introduce readers to New York-born and Texas-bred Nia Adams, who always dreamt of becoming a Texas Ranger. She knows the dangers of the job, and as the first Black female ranger, she knows the politics, but she’s never encountered a criminal like Desmond Bell. A Vietnam vet turned thief, Desmond steals more than money; he steals the secrets of the rich and powerful and blackmails them for millions. When Desmond steals from the Duchamps, the wealthiest family in the country, Nia’s investigation into the robbery threatens to expose him and the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 184 ratings