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Louise Mumford
Publisher: HQ Digital
Pages: 289

Missed out on Glastonbury this year? Solstice Festival promises to be a KILLER weekend…'Simmering with tensions and twists. A summer must-read!' B E Jones'Vivid writing, a twisty plot, and an undertone of dark humour' Sarah ClarkeLibby can’t believe her luck when she wins two tickets to the biggest event of the summer: Solstice, a music festival celebrating the longest day of the year.Wanting to escape their problems for a few days, Libby, and her best friend Dawn head deep into the Welsh countryside for a weekend of sun, fun and festivities. But what promised to be an exciting trip quickly turns into Libby’s worst nightmare.The scorching heat intensifies, the music becomes wilder, the people more unpredictable. When Dawn goes missing, Libby worries that something sinister has happened to her friend. And as Libby learns more about the festival’s dark origins, she begins to fear that ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 167 ratings