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Daryl Kulak
Publisher: (October 11, 2024)
Pages: 253

"Put a huge smile on my face!"Emily N. - Amazon reviewer"Part rescue thriller, part buddy comedy, The Bulgarian Bartender is a can’t-miss women’s adventure through Eastern Europe."Michelle R. - reviewer"I like books that take me to adventures I may not be able to do in my own life. The Bulgarian Bartender is an empowerment story that shows how female strength can rise no matter what personal tragedies one has experienced."Angelle M. - reader****************When Kaylee McDouglas, a vibrant young woman from small-town Ohio, accepts the marriage proposal of Stanimir Dragov, she never imagines that her dream vacation to Bulgaria would turn into a nightmare. Stranded in a foreign land and ensnared by the ruthless Thracian Brotherhood, Kaylee's life is at stake.Her best friends, Tiff Knight, an exotic dancer, and Angie Hunter, a martial arts teacher and welding shop owner ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 10 ratings