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Yohan Jacob
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 138

Thinking about selling your product to retailers? Learn the ins and outs of retail and get your product on your favorite retailer's shelves. This no-nonsense guide walks you through the process of selling to and working with retailers of all shapes and sizes. Written by Yohan Jacob, a retail consultant, who has been on BOTH SIDES of the retail buyers' desk.In the 16+ years since this book was originally published, e-commerce has become a monstrous force in how people buy products, and Mr. Jacob has updated this edition to reflect that fundamental change. But that’s not the only change. Mr. Jacob also included new content around Product Development and Logistics, two essential components of the retail process. Much like your own products, this book has been a constant work in progress over time, and Mr. Jacob always seeking to perfect it.
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5 stars from 5 ratings