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Eva Longoria
Publisher: Clarkson Potter
Pages: 256

A celebration of Mexican ingredients and traditions—plus 100 favorite recipes—from Eva Longoria While hosting Searching for Mexico on CNN, Eva Longoria reconnected with her Mexican roots and tasted iconic Mexican dishes like meat-stuffed Chiles en Nogada draped in a creamy walnut sauce and the Yucatán classic Pollo Asado, made with an aromatic garlic-citrus-achiote paste. In My Mexican Kitchen, she embraces the techniques and flavors she discovered and brings them home to her Southern California kitchen. From dishes based on long-heeded Aztec traditions like Chicken Enchiladas with Salsa Verde to her Tia Elsa’s Pork and Red Chile Tamales and Conchas that remind her of Mexico City, each recipe offers a delicious tribute to Mexican food and flavors.  In addition to recipes for Enfrijoladas, White Pozole, Shrimp Aguachile, Cheesy Tacos de Fideo with Chorizo, and Butternut Squash with ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 97 ratings